Sunday, July 11, 2010

What is acid reflux?

Acid Reflux is when a person experiences burning sensations better
known as heartburn after they consume meal. It happens when the food
inters the stomach and gets digested with the help of the acid that is
inside your stomach which is held by the stomach walls that can with
stand the acid without causing any damage to you.

For unknown reasons when the acid flows back into the oesophagus it
creates that heartburn sensation. If you or someone that you know
experience heartburn 3 to 4 times a week with no relief after
medication, then you have acid reflux or GERD.

Sings and symptoms of acid reflux?


The most-common symptoms of acid relfux are:

  • Heartburn

  • Regurgitation

  • Dysphagia trouble swallowing)

  • Odynophagia (Pain with swallowing)

  • Excessive creation of saliva

  • Nausea

  • Chest pain


  • Pain and irritability, constant or sudden crying symptoms

  • Having hard time sleeping

  • Chest Pain like symptoms

  • Swallowing problems

  • Frequent ear infections

  • Babies will offten be gassy and difficulty to burp

  • Bad breath

Diagnosis of acid reflux?

The most effective upto date diagnosis of acid reflux (GERD) is
esophageal pH monitoring. By going threw the test the doctors will
diagnose the reflux disease and allow them to check the responce of your
body to medical and surgical treatments.

Prevention of acid reflux?

By eating smaller meals which cause less stomach acid production
which will help control the acid bildup. Don't eat big dinner meals, the
smaller the better.

Relief can be found by tilting the bed, sleeping on bigger pillow, or
sleeping sitting up on your bed.

If you have suffered from acid reflux there are ways that you can
minimaze attacks by avoiding certain foods that create excess acid
secretion and relax the opening between the stomach and esophagus. Foods
and drinks that should be avoided are coffee, tea, peppermint,
chocolate, juice, onions and specialy avoid them before bedtime.

Treatment of acid reflux?

Treating Acid reflux with over-the-counter

There are a variety of heartburn drugs that are over the counter. If
these fail to relieve your symptoms, talk to your doctor about other
medication to treat heartburn (acid reflux).

Antacids for Heartburn - Antacid is an neutralize stomach acid to
relieve heartburn, sour stomach and acid indigestion. Some of the
medication that is over the counter contains simethicone which helps
eliminate excess gas. Examples of antacids are:

  • Alka-Seltzer

  • Tums

  • Amphojel, Alternagel

  • Pepto-Bismol

  • Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids

Only take these madications as directed by your doctor, or as
labeled on the medication. Serious side effects can occur with an
overdose of antacids. Some of the side effects are constipation,

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